Thursday, March 11, 2010


I don't know what to do now lol. I'm not sure if should stay an extra two weeks and head out to Montreal or leave two weeks earlier. I don't know what to do. :/

I may not be going out to Montreal anymore in May. Which totally sucks. Buut then that means I'll leave two weeks earlier. Most likely. It's going to be such a waste of money once I arrive there, and then come back for two weeks or something work, and then go back there again.

So far my plan is to move there at the beginning of June. Makes my life easier, and simple. I hope. I'm still freaking out about the whole furniture thing. I know for sure that once I arrive that I'm going to buy myself a new bed and all those furnishings such as a dresser and night table. Also a few other things.

Hopefully I won't have to spend so much on groceries and all other things that I don't/can't get at Ikea.

I really want to get tons and tons of house plants. That would be amazing. :3
Also, I can't wait. Two moar months baby. Hopefully gonna go see Lady Gaga June 28th! <3

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Hung Ova... Still

I'm alive, I've just been extremely lazy.

I believe everyone should have duck lips! ~

It's been a month plus since I've written a blog. :/ That's a very long time lol. Obviously. There's quite a lot new with me. I finally managed to get a job as a beverage server / busser. Which isn't so bad. Pays really decent. I'm working morning shifts which I don't mind at all. My day goes by so much faster. :]
My saving techniques are terrible. :x But I'm getting paid soon and I'm going to hide that money from myself. I'm going to have to give myself some money to play with. So that I can get some of the stuff that I want to get. Movies, shoes, clothes, body products.

I got a new phone as well, that's pretty kick ass.

I'm going to have to revise my budget thing for everything. Just to have a better idea as to how much I'll actually need and such.

I guess that's all for now. I'm going to be writing more blogs soon. So keep posted. They'll pop up soon. There's a whole bunch in the works that I got to lazy to finish. I shall be doing that soon though. So that'll be like, 5+ more blogs. Hurray.
Samples of upcoming blogs:
- Body Shop, Lush, Rocky Mountain Soap Co. product reviews.
- Dictionary definitions.
- Music?
- Mystery. ~
- Clothing hauls.

Also, I have soooo many books that I have to read. Which isn't going over very well lol. Hopefully after I'm done writing this I'll start reading.

I might be changing the link to my blog soon too. I'll keep people posted about it.

Au Revoir. ~

Monday, February 1, 2010

Coco Chanel

If I were to marry a girl, that would be our wedding outfits.

I really have to start finshing my blogs. :/ There's so many drafts that aren't complete lol.

This week is the week I apply at places, and hope that I get two or three jobs. Wish me luck.

I might start making youtbue videos doing reviews on products that I buy and use to make myself look pretty.

My computer's charger is broken. :( So now I have to wait about two weeks for it to get shipped in and such. But then I have to go to Calgary which totally sucks. Hopefully I'll be working then. <33

Also I found a new blogger that writes about fashion and stuff.
I'll put the link in here soon.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

When I Grow Up

Fever Ray rocked the P3's, Sweden's equivalent of the golden globes. Correct me if I'm wrong with that. She's probably Lady Gaga's monster in her bed, if you catch my drift. Such a terrible joke.

I finally went to Future Shop to see what's wrong with my laptop, the charger thing has died. The thing that bothered me most was that it's going to take around 2 weeks to get a new one shipped to the Future Shop store. Which makes me a sad panda. Considering it'll be such a hassle for me to come back to Calgary to pick it up. On top of all that, my laptop battery is dead too. It won't really charge anymore. Which makes me sad too. Hopefully it's covered in the warranty that I have for my computer so I won't have to spend money. I'm going to call the help line thing and remain optimistic. Fingers crossed.

Yesterday, I got to do some overdue shopping. <3 Bought myself a really pretty silver shirt, with a leopard on it, a giant scarf and a sweater that was on sale. As well as some Coconut body butter and tea tree gel. Which I could've bought in Banff. Oh well. Then later today I'm finally buying new shoes.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


coffee art saturn Pictures, Images and Photos

I drank way too much black coffee with a splash of milk lol. (That's not my coffee art. I found that on photobucket.) I'm just so happy and high on life, mostly on caffeine. That's fine though I don't mind. As long as I'm happy and stuff.

This morning when Jenna woke up, she told me that I talk in my sleep. In Spanish. ~ Which is weird since I don't talk often in my sleep. Or ever. I've always wanted to wake up and just talk Spanish. Not having the choice of switching between English. Also I can't wait to move to Montreal, that way I'll become friends with a whole bunch of latinos and latinas. That way I'll be practicing my Spanish hardcore.

Tomorrow I'm hopefully heading out to Calgary doing some shopping. Hurray! That also means I'm going to get my computer fixed! <3

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Dog days are over

Fuck. I wish my computer still worked. Or I was able to access the stuff on there. So I wouldn't be in such a tiff. That way I wouldn't be so flustered, I need some stuff off there. I want to download more music, Matt Morris, Glee Soundtrack, Mary J. Blige, Alicia Keys, and M.I.A. On top of that, now that I think about it I really want to subscribe to all the people that I have as favorites on blogspot.

Florence + The Machine Pictures, Images and Photos

I also really want to expand my vocabulary. Instead of having to write, hopefully, I (even though I'm talking about myself.), also and other words that I keep on using in my posts. So instead of being limited to a very narrow vocabulary it would be nice and broad.

What I really need right now is to be able to head off to the city for a bit. All because my computer is dead. I'm unhappy with where I live, I'm unable to get my laptop fixed due to not living anywhere near a Futureshop. That way if I lived in the city it would allow me to find someone to be in a relationship with. I wish my life was totally different.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Down, down, down.

My computer is dead. Hopefully it's 'cause the electric plug thing is on the fritz. So in two weeks I'll have to end up going to Calgary for a few days. Visit Nina, get my computer fixed, and visit Chadd and go to Twisted with him. I'll plan it so that I can go on a weekend and then on Sunday I'll head over to the club and watch Drag Queens perform. <3

Tomorrow I hopefully get to move back home. Hopefully Fernando gets back tomorrow sometime. Or I won't be pleased.

Wednesday, getting day drunk, like really day drunk, with people. <3

I applied at two places so far, tomorrow I'm going to hit up two more.
Hopefully I'll get a job soon. Since that'll totally be kick ass.

PS. This feels like this week is going to be terrible. Hopefully I'll be able to get a job soon and turn this bad week around.